Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wiki Sandbox Experience

I left this for weeks to see if I could get access, but I still can't - so my experience is that this would be a conveniant way for people to share common ideas and experiences - however as all members are able to edit an entry a wiki would not be suitable for anything of a more secure/stable nature

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is this really the end?

What were your favourite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I enjoyed using the fun mashups (e.g. spell with flickr) - and also liked finding sites that could help give direction for how these resources can be used in libraries in the future.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
 I feel encouraged/interested to look at further investigation these Web2.0 tools when I have more time available.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
The main problem with the program I think were the countless broken links in the blog posts - discovery resources were frequently no longer current, and podcasts non-existant. Also some tasks were very time expensive and not always possible for participants to undertake on their own.

All in all pretty interesting :-)


I found this great wiki where people have contributed various ideas on how Mash-ups can be used in library settings - mashedlibrary

I also love this un-library related mashup which takes images from flickr to create words Flickr Words

Roman numeral M [1000] hangman tile blue letter A letter S 3-21 H for Happy It\ U IMG_5614_3 IMG_5610_2 Boggle black letter U letter n


The podcast directory I used was http://www.podcastdirectory.com/category/Education there were plenty of categories to explore. I did a search for the word library and stumbled across a large number of libraries that have created podcasts as a way to explain reference techniques, library etiquette or events in the library, interviews with special guests etc. Another way to promote services to auditory learners.